Ejabberd XMPP server setup

Self-host an ejabberd XMPP server, a responsible and secure way of communicating w/ other JID's on a server that doesn't spy on you.

Step 1: Update DNS tables

Ensure you have created A and AAAA records for all of the below subdomains with your registrar. A *.nargothrond.xyz will not suffice.

nargothrond.xyz - Your XMPP hostname 
                ... Ask yourself what you want after the @ in your JID's 
                ... of the form bombadil@nargothrond.xyz
conference.nargothrond.xyz - For Multi User Chats (MUCs)
upload.nargothrond.xyz - For mod_http_upload, file upload support
proxy.nargothrond.xyz - For mod_proxy65, SOCKS5 proxy support
pubsub.nargothrond.xyz- For mod_pubsub, publish-subscribe support 
                        (A fancier RSS)

Step 2: Install Ejabberd

Next, install ejabberd, first by adding the ejabberd package repo:

curl -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ejabberd.list \
curl -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ejabberd.gpg \

Then install the ejabberd package

apt update
apt install ejabberd

Step 3: Create/move certificates

Ejabberd doesn't have a script to create and move certificates to a place where its server can read them so we do this manually. TODO: add this script to my crontab for auto-renewal of certificates.


declare -a subdomains=("" "conference." "proxy." "pubsub." "upload.")

for i in "${subdomains[@]}"; do
    certbot --nginx -d $i$DOMAIN certonly
    mkdir -p /etc/ejabberd/certs/$i$DOMAIN
    cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$i$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem \
    cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$i$DOMAIN/privkey.pem \

Next, the ejabberd user must be able to read these certs:

chown -R ejabberd:ejabberd /etc/ejabberd/certs

And finally we update the ejabberd conf. The location of the conf seems to vary between ejabberd version but "/opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml" seems to be the most recent.

vim /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml

  - "/etc/ejabberd/certs/*/*.pem"

Step 4: Admin user, archives and fw

We will use the default Mnesia database with a 2GB limit.

Set your admin in the conf like below:

vim /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml

    user: matthieu

And optionally enable archiving by uncommenting:

vim /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml

  assume_mam_usage: true
  default: always

Next, register the admin from above via ejabberdctl

su -c "ejabberdctl register matthieu nargothrond.xyz password" ejabberd

Finally, restart ejabberd and make sure port 5280 is open (trickster)

ufw allow 5280
systemctl restart ejabberd

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